Distance/Remote Healing
9-12 Modalities administered simultaneously to heal the Body & Mind
Service Description
Healing at a distance is just as amazing as in person and in the comfort of your own home or wherever you feel comfortable. Receive a full session of 9 to 12 Energy Modalities simultaneously administered on the body that works immediately on alleviating stress and pain and regenerating the cells in the body. This can be done Via Zoom, Phone and at Bedtime if Client prefers.
Cancellation Policy
As we know that things do pop up unexpectedly, we have a 24 hour cancellation policy. We do this to allow time to reach out to people on the waiting list. If you cannot notify us 24 hours before your appointment you are responsible for the full cost of appointment. As we also understand your healing is vital, know that you will have the option of remote healing that same day for all cancellations less than 24 hours. Thank you very much for your understanding.
Contact Details
+ 503-754-7321
1516 US Highway 395 N, #Ste D, Gardnerville, 89410